Linda Rondstadt – El Sol Que T Eres lyrics

Album: Canciones de mi Padre

written by Daniel Valdez

Sol redondo y colorado
Como una rueda de cobre
De diario me estás mirando
De diario me miras pobre

Sol lo tú eres
Tan parejo
Para repartir tu luz
Habías de enseñarle al amo
A ser lo mismo que tú

Me miras con el arado
Luego con la rozadera
Una vez en la llanura
Y otra vez en la ladera.

This exquisite ballad is in the
public domain and relatively unknown.
Don Rubà n guessed that it might be
very old, perhaps a hundred years or
so. I first sang it with Danny Valdez
in Corridos, a P.B.S. production
directed by his brother Luis. Danny
said that he learned it on the picket
line with Teatro Campesino, helping
to organize the farm workers with
Cà sar Chávez. L.R.

The Sun That You Are

Sun, round and red
Like a copper wheel
Daily you are looking at me
Daily you see me poor.

Sun that you are
So fair to everyone
As you spread your light
You should teach my boss
How to be the same as you.

You see me with the plow
Later with the sickle
One time on the plains
And other time on the hillside.

1987 Daniel Valdez Music/ BMI

Submitted by Guest