Big Picture – All The Time The World Has To Change. lyrics

Truely I speak
less I die
soul to burn
if I tell a lie

What is held
closest to my heart
with you I will
I will never part

Sacrifice all
For whats to be gained
Only the strong shall remain

I didn't mean to break your heart
A situation I did not start

For those who have seen with eyes and ear
Know that something is very near

Guidance gifted us from above
Handed down with the utmost love.

Not my fault your life to be
I opened eyes so you could see

Know something Bigger cares
About our country going nowhere

Future dreams reality
Speed of light already seen

Current sales to take a life
Understood in all my strife

Time can change these things that be
Working on what we can see.

Souls are precious in God's eyes
Especially ours, thus my reply.

Understaning the facts of War
Almighty has forgiven the greedy whore

So do our best, is all thats asked
To make our mighty nation last

Decisions made Divine this night
Were not by me, I am the light.

Things I say are from fact
Truely now the time to act

See yourself and please be proud
Your now part of a hero's crowd

All my love comes back to you
That is why my color is Blue

Submitted by Guest